7 Tips for Communicating with Your Children About Your Divorce

Mother and daughter stand on small bridge looking over lake in winter coats. Rear shot Divorce is typically a sensitive and emotional event and can be quite difficult to talk about, especially with children. It is common for parents to struggle with how to talk to their children about their divorce. Why? Well, some parents are unsure what or how much to tell their kids about what is happening. Some parents are still extremely emotionally raw and vulnerable and worry about their ability to remain calm when talking with their kids about the divorce. Still others fear talking with their kids about the divorce will overwhelm them, and may wonder if it is best to shield them from what is going on.

Although these worries are understandable, not talking about the divorce can be detrimental to kids and can cause various behavioral and/or emotional issues down the road. Having a conversation with children about divorce may not only reduce any anxiety they may be experiencing, but can also help them prepare, both cognitively and emotionally, for the changes ahead.

If you are going through a divorce and are unsure how to talk with your child(ren), here are some helpful tips to keep in mind:

  1. If possible, talk to your children about the divorce with the other parent. This might be difficult, as some divorces can be quite contemptuous. However, having a joint conversation with your children has potential benefits. First, it ensures your kids are receiving the same message from both parents, which limits confusion and may create a sense of stability during a time of upheaval. Second, it models that both of you are still a unified parenting front, which limits the perception your children can make plays to divide and conquer. Lastly, it helps reassure your children that their parents will continue to communicate and work hard to create a new family structure.
  2. Be honest in answering questions. Being honest is important for two reasons. First, kids are smart and can sense when they are given dishonest information. Feeling that parents are being dishonest can lead to resentment and anger. Second, if kids are not told the truth, they may seek the answers themselves or create their own answers. By being honest and forthcoming, you may reduce a lot of potential anxiety. However, it is important to note being honest has its limits and there should be age-appropriate boundaries set around sharing information. For example, while kids should be informed about logistical changes that will impact them, they should not be told about marital baggage (i.e., information that one parent had an affair). So, before responding to a question or sharing information, think about why you are sharing and whether it will help or hurt.
    A family therapist can be a great resource for both parents and children and can help everyone find healthy ways to adjust to the changes associated with divorce.
  3. Let your children know what life will be like after the divorce. Divorce and the changes that come with it can be scary for kids. It is important to let them know what they can expect when it comes to things like where they will live, how much time they will have with each parent, etc. If you and your ex are unsure about certain things, communicate that to your children and let them know you will share the information with them as soon as there is a decision. This may relieve a lot of the anxiety that comes with the unknown.
  4. Emphasize that the divorce is final. Losing their family as they have known it may be upsetting for your kids; they may even fantasize about their parents getting back together. It is important to make it clear divorce is final and that while you and your ex may continue to communicate and interact, it is simply as a co-parenting relationship. Kids may still fantasize about a reconciliation, but it will help if there are clear boundaries.
  5. Reassure your kids. Divorce can be anxiety provoking for kids and they can have a number of fears, some of which are influenced by things they might have seen on TV or learned from friends whose parents are divorced. Children may think the divorce is their fault, that they won’t get to see one of their parents anymore, or that their parents don’t love them. Ask your kids what they might be thinking or worrying about and work to reassure them—not just through words but through actions as well.
  6. Be available. As a parent, you may feel anxious about how the change is impacting your child(ren) and may be tempted to push them to talk about their feelings or experience. It is important to remember every child experiences and processes divorce differently. Some children may talk openly about their feelings, while others may withdraw. Some children may adjust well to the changes, while others may struggle. While your intentions are good, pushing a child to open up before they are ready can be detrimental. The best things you can do are to (1) communicate to your children you are available for them to share whatever they may be thinking or feeling and (2) work to create a safe space for them to feel comfortable talking to you. Know each of your children will open up at their own pace and will seek your support if they know you are available.
  7. Communicate stability, but don’t be afraid to show emotion. When talking with your children about the divorce, try to communicate a sense of calm and control. This may help provide a sense of stability in what can be a chaotic time. However, it can also be helpful to communicate your own feelings with your children. When talking with them, let them know when you might be feeling sad, anxious, or upset. Let them know, also, what you are doing to feel better. By communicating your feelings, you normalize their experience; give them the words to identify their own feelings; and show them how to cope in a healthy way. But keep in mind that this a fine dance. On one hand, you want to avoid being overly emotional, which can cause your kids to feel they need to take care of you. On the other hand, you don’t want to appear so stoic they don’t feel safe expressing their own feelings.


All these things can help foster healthy and open communication during the divorce process. As mentioned above, it can be difficult to engage in this type of communication when you, too, are struggling with the overwhelming emotions associated with divorce. If you are unsure how to proceed, seek support from a family therapist. A family therapist can be a great resource for both parents and children and can help everyone find healthy ways to adjust to the changes associated with divorce.

© Copyright 2017 GoodTherapy.org. All rights reserved. Permission to publish granted by Katelyn Alcamo, LCMFT, GoodTherapy.org Topic Expert

The preceding article was solely written by the author named above. Any views and opinions expressed are not necessarily shared by GoodTherapy.org. Questions or concerns about the preceding article can be directed to the author or posted as a comment below.

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  • Lawler

    April 13th, 2017 at 9:26 AM

    Our parents just sort of sprung it on us so we had very little time to prepare for what was happening. It also seemed to hurt both of them quite a bit to talk about it so none of us ever wanted to have to bring it up to them. I don’t know, I think back on it now and think of how I would have done things differently but it was a different time then ad I don’t guess that any of us were permanently scarred from it.

  • mary

    April 13th, 2017 at 6:04 PM

    You have to reassure your children and let them know that everything is going to be alright. Of course it will feel to them like their whole world is turning upside down but with just a few words and actions from you they can see that it doesn’t have to be like that.

    Of course it does help when the split is amicable and the two of you can still maintain some semblance of being a family with one another. It might hurt you in the short term but the benefits for the family as a whole later on will be well worth it.

  • Zeb

    April 14th, 2017 at 7:48 AM

    Why it is like it has to be some free for all barn buster is beyond me. Me and my wife didn’t work out together but we are both fine with that, still do things together with the kids, and it really isn’t all that different other than we don’t have to live together anymore. It works for us.

  • cameron

    April 15th, 2017 at 6:07 AM

    If the two parents let the children know that things will be alright, then guess what? Things will be alright. We talk about divorce like it has to be the end of the world and while it might not be the most ideal thing, it happens to at least fifty percent of families and most of them turn out just fine. I know families where the parents have stayed married for all the wrong reasons thinking that this would be good for the kids and that doesn’t work out too well either. A lot of what happens is all about the life you create.

  • Vivian

    April 17th, 2017 at 8:58 AM

    There are some couples who talk about the divorce like it is all doom and gloom and honestly there are going to be good things that happen as a result too so why not talk to your children about those things? You might just end up being happier overall not being with that person so it is good to point out when you think that you are making a decision that is going to be a beneficial one in the end. The children might not understand that if they are young but I think that they definitely could as they get older.

  • Benjamin

    April 18th, 2017 at 10:50 AM

    Divorce is hard on any family and any children regardless of what the age is.
    There is a sense of stability that you have when your parents are still together that I think that you somewhat lose when they get divorced. I don’t think that it is right or wrong or have a judgement about it like that, but what I do find is that many people are just too casual about it, thinking that if they do things right then the children will be alright.
    I am here to tell you that no matter whether you handle it well nor handle it very poorly the kids are still going to be impacted in some way. It might be large and it could be small but it will be there.
    As a parent you have to be willing to understand that and work with them to get through the bad stuff.

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